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We believe that it is our responsibility to provide is safe place for children in the North Memphis Community.​


What is a Child Safe Zone?  A Child Safe Zone is a place where children can come when they feel unsafe, for any reason.  DDCC Child safe zone is a place which protects children from guns, gangs, drug and alcohol use, bullying, sexual predation, violence, etc...



As we renovate and expand our facility, we will provide a place where any child from the North Memphis Community and come to and feel safe.  The part of our center will be separated from the area where our student area.  The children who come to our center in need of a safe place, will be given snacks, as well as have access to tutoring, mentoring and counseling if needed.  Once a child comes to our center, we will immediately contact a parent or guardian to let them know that their child is safe. 


In the event that a child has been harmed or feel as though they are in danger, we will call the police and involve them immediately.  As long as we are open, children can come into the center and feel protected and provided for. 

DDCC Early Learning Center is a Child Safe Zone

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